

Dynamic and enthusiastic team

Many years of experience in handling difficult migration and study-abroad applications

Always closely accompanying customers throughout the process

Customers’ interests and the company's reputation are always prioritised


Vision First provides the first consultation free of charge. We are available to answer all your questions, as well as assisting with your state nomination application, EOI registration and Permanent Residency visa application. In addition, we also provide information and courses related to Skills Assessments - one of the basic requirements for obtaining a visa in Australia.



Visa 485 is a temporary residency visa for international students after they complete a course with a minimum time period of 2 years in Australia.
Visa 485 holders are allowed to work full-time and are not limited to 40 working hours/fortnight like on student visas. While on Visa 485, graduates have more time to prepare for their PR applications and increase their Point test scores.
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Skilled visas include Visa 189, Visa 190 and Visa 491/191. These are visas for skilled workers who have graduated in Australia or who want to come to Australia to work, live and become an Australian citizen.
Point tests are applied and applicants are sponsored by a State/Territory government.
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Employer-sponsored visas are golden opportunities for workers who want to and are eligible to come to Australia to develop their expertise and skills (on Visa 407 and Visa 482), thereby having the chance to become permanent residents in Australia (on Visa 186).
Besides, Visa 191/491 for skilled workers temporarily residing and working in Australian rural areas has also received a lot of attention. Let Vision First help you find the type of visa that best suits your case.
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With a good education system, a living environment that has been repeatedly ranked among the top in the world, and better welfare policies than the US and European countries, Australia is the destination of many Vietnamese investors with vision. If you have established a successful track record in business in Vietnam, have owned certain amounts of assets, and have business and investment capabilities, then Australia is a suitable destination for investors to settle down with their families in the long term. Business and investment visas (visa 188A, visa 188B, visa 188C and visa 132A,B,C) are among Vision First’s strengths. Just leave your phone number below and Vision First's counsellor will call you within the day
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With the aim to always accompany customers, Vision First provides a full range of Australian education consultation services, from planning courses, schools, student visas, scholarships, to post-graduation directions. We ensure that customers coming to Vision First have a clear and coherent vision of their study-abroad journey.

Study-abroad and course planning

Study-abroad and course planning

Study-abroad and course planning

School and state consultation

Study-abroad and course planning

Student Visa consultation and application

Study-abroad and course planning

Post-graduation direction consultation



Broadening your knowledge, changing your living environment or improving your current expertise are among the countless reasons for starting a study-abroad journey. However, many young people do not recognize these before starting. Knowing the reason why you decide to study abroad will be the guideline for your future steps in a foreign country.


When choosing a major to pursue, apart from personal interests and abilities, you should also consider its career opportunities, migration opportunities and industry competitiveness. Vision First's professional counsellors will advise you in detail on the advantages and challenges of your chosen field of study and provide the best advice.


Once you have determined your major, choosing a school and a state is the next step that you have to think about. A school with a high overall ranking is not necessarily the best choice for your strategic direction and financial situation. Please book an appointment with a Vision First migration counsellor - we are always here to help you achieve your dreams wherever you are.


Students and parents always have countless questions when preparing for their journey to new horizons. Understanding their anxiety, Vision First's consultants always offer customers dedicated advice on finances, visa and learning environment. It is our honour to satisfy customers’ needs.


This is probably the most emotional stage after you prepare all the necessary procedures and visa. To set off, you also need to prepare life skills, self-reliance skills, English skills and the ability to adapt to a new environment. With the aim to accompany customers on every pathway, Vision First will give you the best preparation.

Make an appointment

    Why should you book an appointment with Vision First today?

    • Australian migration laws change frequently, and increasingly tend to raise the standards to control immigration. Therefore, the sooner you seize the opportunity, the easier the journey will be.
    • Australia’s education and qualification system is structurally different from Vietnam’s, so having a migration agent who advises you on your study program and answers your questions will efficiently save you time. You will not have to figure things out alone when you have Vision First!
    • Vision First has offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Australia’s major cities (Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart), so it only takes a little travelling time to reach our friendly and knowledgeable migration agents and counsellors. If you are not living in the above cities, please contact us via our Facebook page (click the icon on the left). Vision First is waiting to answer your questions!
    About Vision First

    What client say about Vision First

    Hà Việt - South Australia

    My application for student visa was granted within really short time thanks for Vision First. Tammy and Duke are helpful and super cute. They provide me full of information and guide me considerately. Thank Ha and Long for your kindness. Highly recommended!!! Thank you so much for help.

    Joby Khoo - Melbourne

    I got the opportunity to work with Charlie, Jane, and Helen. Regardless of the crises, I was going through, Charlie and his team kept me in line and constantly assured me that everything will be fine, without any hesitation. They work very fast and maintain professionalism throughout the entire process but at the same time, they put care into it. And that’s what makes Vision First different. They have definitely gone above and beyond for me. And for that I cannot be more thankful. I have said this before but I will say it again, thank you very much for all your time and effort, guys. All the best in the future and stay safe.

    Đặng T. Hoàng - Australia

    I would like to send my huge thanks to VFCG team for their thoughtful and professional supports. Highly recommend if you are searching advices for education, career...

    Lan Truc Le - Ho Chi Minh City

    A million thanks to Kristine, Carley, Helen and all dedicated members in VF. I was unconfident when I first came to VF as I only got 70 for my point test. Carley, my knowledgeable consultant, helped me to choose the most suitable visa right in the first consultation. Then, Kristine and Helen were very helpful to guide me through the visa application process, quickly and patiently answered all my questions. I finally got my visa 190 today. Once again, thank you very much.

    Hyoko Nguyen - Ho Chi Minh City

    Long, the director is brilliant and reliable by his valuable advices. Besides, I also had chances to work with Huyen, a supportive and enthusiastic young agent. She is always patient and willing to support my difficulties or my queries by her promptly responses. I highly recommend the service of VF to anyone struggling with their study, visa and PR pathway in Australia.

    Tam Le - Tasmania, Australia

    I am Tam Le, just had a student visa 500 from Vision First 2 weeks ago. I am very highly appreciated with all the efforts of the Vision's staff and especially thanks to Mrs Tammy Nguyen and Mr Tung. They are very very helpful and thoroughly for my situation( changing from Tourist to Student Visa). I knew that was not a easy case and i need to be careful in every steps. One more time, I wanna thanks Tammy Nguyen to help me get a Visa and hopefully you also get a lucky like me.

    Huỳnh Mai - Australia

    It has been more than a week to reunite with my husband. Because I was so happy, I did not have time to thank Mr. Duke Bui and Ms. Tammy Nguyen. Today, for me and my husband Nguyen Vu Dang, we would like to express our deep gratitude to you. After I sent the profile to you, I told myself I had to play for it, but if not, I'm here already. ?. Thank you for your HEART for those who bring the Australian dream like us. You guys helped make the start of vc e really smooth. Worrying about whether you will receive interviews and even guide you to fly the plane is like taking care of your loved ones. We will do our best to fulfill our dream. Wishing you all good health, happiness and success. And will be an effective arm to support your Australian dreams, okay????.

    Phương Trinh - Melbourne

    I'm really really pleased when I work with Huyen. She's is the most enthusiastic consultant I ever know. She replies any time I message ❤. She listens carefully, understands and guided me successfully through the process. I highly recommend Vision First for who need advice in education. Also thanks VF to have this lovely girl, who can guide and be a good friend.

    Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thiện - Tasmania

    After finishing my bachelor of Nursing, I could not gain minimum point test due to my age. When stressed out with pte 79, I went to VF consultant and had been guided with the potential + carefully planned pathway to obtain PR by Duke and Tammy. I was so pleased to know and work with them as they guided me step by step with clear instruction. Besides, they always remind me and follow up my paperwork in order to optimise my application. I would strongly suggest these lovely consultants. They will know what pathway is the most suitable for you . Dont waste your time looking for other agency as the sooner you plan for your PR pathway the sooner you will get it!

    Hy Hý

    After graduating from a university in Vietnam, I decided to pursue my passion for going abroad to study abroad. I intended to study abroad in Canada, but I was not lucky. Agent was not enthusiastic. , prolonging the time and not having enough experience, resulting in my file being malfunctioning and losing money. I searched for information on the page via facebook, I accidentally found a nick Mrs. Tam. I decided to ask her to prepare the lake, applying for and applying for a visa to study abroad in Australia. While waiting for the visa to be extremely productive, she was always with me, encouraging my spirit very much. As a result, I passed the visa and continued to study abroad. I want to say, if you know how to choose a reputable counseling center and have a proper study, nothing is impossible.


    Anh T - Visa 188

    Anh và gia đình rất vui và hạnh phúc khi nhận được tin vui từ anh Long sáng nay, một tin tốt lành mà anh nghĩ gia đình anh cũng như Vision First mong chờ từ 2 năm nay. Anh rất biết ơn, rất cảm kích và rất cảm ơn anh Long, các bạn của Vision First đã quan tâm, ưu ái cho trường hợp của gia đình anh. Tuy dịch Covid-19 đã ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến quá trình theo dõi hồ sơ, bổ sung hồ sơ, yêu cầu về thăm khám sức khỏe, nhưng các bạn, Vision First đã hoàn tất các yêu cầu của Sở Di Trú Úc bằng chính sự chuyên nghiệp, kinh nghiệm và tận tâm của mình một cách nhanh chóng, đầy đủ và kịp thời. Một lần nữa anh thực sự cảm kích về việc này.
    Kể từ 2 năm sau khi nộp hồ sơ cho gia đình anh, anh đã không thấy sự lo lắng nào khi tương tác với anh Long, với các bạn Vision First đều trên tinh thần thoải mái, tin cậy và thân thiện. Đó là điều mang lai sự yên tâm và anh tâm đắc nhất. Anh mong Vision First tiếp tục phát huy thế mạnh này của mình để tiếp tục đem niềm vui tương tự đến với nhiều gia đình khác.

    Anh K - Visa 858

    Anh K vốn là Petroleum Engineer (Kĩ sư Dầu khí) ở UAE (Các tiểu Vương quốc Ả rập Thống nhất). Anh đã có một thời gian tìm hiểu về định cư Úc nhưng chưa tìm được phương án phù hợp. Sau khi được Vision First tư vấn và nộp hồ sơ chương trình Global Talent (Visa 858), thì anh và cả gia đình đã có PR (Thường trú nhân Úc) chỉ trong một thời gian ngắn.

    Bạn A - Visa 500

    Bạn A đã lấy “lộc” student visa thành công ngay đầu năm 2021. A trước đây đã học xong một khóa Diploma of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering - Mechanical (trung cấp nghề ngành Kỹ thuật Bảo dưỡng Cơ khí Máy bay) ở Úc.
    Tuy nhiên, để giúp A được tiếp tục ở lại, Vision First đã tư vấn cho bạn theo học ngành chiến lược Commercial Cookery/Hospitality Management (Cert IV + Diploma + Bachelor). Đây chính là bàn đạp vững chắc để bạn lấy PR Úc sau này.

    Anh H - Visa 188

    Gia đình anh H vốn kinh doanh vật liệu xây dựng tại Việt Nam và có con đang theo học đại học ở Melbourne. Sau khi bàn bạc, gia đình đã nghĩ đến quyết định di cư cả nhà sang Úc nhưng không tìm ra phương án nào thích hợp. Vision First sau đó đã tư vấn và giới thiệu visa 188A và tiến hành soạn hồ sơ. Sau gần 2 năm cả gia đình đã thành công lấy được Visa 188 của bang Victoria! Gia đình anh H hiện rất mừng vì con cái đã có thể có PR (Thường trú nhân Úc) sau này và không bị cạnh tranh trong việc xin Visa Tay nghề (như 189 hay 190).

    Bạn T - Visa 858

    Bạn T vốn học ngành Architecture (Kiến trúc), một ngành bang Tasmania cần và cũng khá phổ biến với người Việt, nên con đường định cư khá sáng sủa với bạn. bạn T vẫn gặp phải một chướng ngại là bạn chưa có việc đúng ngành lúc nộp State Nomination (bảo lãnh của bang). Tuy nhiên, VF vẫn giúp bạn giành được bảo lãnh chỉ hơn 2 tháng sau đó. Đặc biệt, bạn T đã được cấp visa chỉ trong 3 tuần kể từ ngày nộp và không bị yêu cầu thêm hồ sơ gì.

    Bạn H - Visa 590

    Em không biết nói gì hơn là cám ơn chị Hà và team Vision First rất nhiều. Em đã granted visa 590 nhờ có sự chỉ dẫn tận tình và giúp em chuẩn bị hồ sơ chu đáo của team Vision First. Hơn nữa, sau khi granted visa các chị vẫn hướng dẫn tận tình và trả lời các thắc mắc của em. Nên em rất cảm ơn và gửi lời chúc sức khỏe đến cả team. Chúc Vision First ngày càng thành công.

    Bạn H - Visa 482

    Bạn H đã thành công lấy được Visa 482 ngành Chef (Đầu bếp) - một công việc không còn gì xa lạ với người Việt mình. Visa 482 (medium-term stream) chính là con đường dẫn đến PR bằng Visa 186 về sau. Đến với Vision First bạn H đã được tư vấn cụ thể về lộ trình lấy visa 482 và con đường đến visa 186 sau này.

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