This visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia temporarily. Getting this visa is the first step towards a permanent […]
Visa 188A is Business Innovation Stream. This provisional visa is for people with business skills. It lets you operate a new or existing business in Australia.
Visa 188B is Investor stream. This provisional visa requires you to invest at least AUD2.5 million in Australian investments that meet certain requirements and maintain business or investment activity in Australia.
Visa 188C is Significant Investor stream. This provisional visa is for people who invest at least AUD5 million in Australian investments that meet certain requirements and maintain investment activity in Australia.
Visa 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) is a visa for skilled people nominated by a state or territory government to live and work in regional Australia. If eligible, you will be able to apply for […]